What is Bankart Repair?
A Bankart Repair is a surgical procedure to repair shoulder instability. The procedure involves reattaching the torn labrum that surrounds the glenoid (socket of the shoulder joint). The humeral head (ball of the shoulder joint) is usually centered in the glenoid, stabilizing the shoulder. If the shoulder suffers dislocation, it may tear the glenoid labrum and ligaments that support its structure. Thus, a Bankart Repair is carried out to reinstate the torn labrum and ligaments to the glenoid's tip. This attaches to the bone and helps to keep the ball of the humerus in place.
If you have a Bankart injury, an orthopedic surgeon will perform a minimally invasive arthroscopic procedure to fix the damaged labrum and restore normal shoulder functions. In some instances, more extensive surgery is required to repair the shoulder.
When is Bankart Repair Recommended?
A Bankart Repair usually helps prevent recurring anterior shoulder dislocations due to instability at the back of the shoulder. The procedure may be recommended when someone is experiencing the following;
- Swelling and bruising shoulder
- Severe shoulder pain
- Instability and shoulder pain
- Repeated shoulder dislocations

What Happens During Bankart Repair?
No matter how the labrum was torn, the orthopedic surgeon will always work with you to decide on the best treatment possible. The arthroscopic Bankart Repair procedure will be performed at an outpatient surgery center. This essentially means that patients go home hours after the procedure has been successfully completed. The following is performed during a Bankart Repair;
- The orthopedic surgeon thoroughly examines the shoulder area through tiny incisions. This is done to ascertain the real problem before any corrections are performed.
- After the problem has been identified, the orthopedic surgeon inserts specialized instruments via the incisions to repair the exact position's damage.
- Tears in the muscle, tendon, or cartilage are fixed using suture anchors.
- Any damaged tissue is carefully removed.
- After the repair, incisions are stitched and covered with a bandage.
What is Recovery Like for Bankart Repair?

The rehabilitation process for Bankart Repair is essential for a full recovery. This process usually begins immediately after the surgical procedure is completed. The recovery time varies typically from one patient to another. A few days after the surgery, passive range of motion usually begins through physical therapy. The following should be expected as far as the recovery process is concerned;
- The arm will be kept immobilized in a sling for approximately one month.
- The patient undergoes physical therapy for about four months.
- The patient is allowed to resume low-risk activities in about 8 to 10 weeks.
- Patients are usually advised against participating in contact sports for some time.
- Although recovery might take longer, most patients regain their shoulder and arm's full use by six months.
Dr. Michael Gustavel is a renowned Orthopedic Surgeon in Boise, Idaho, who has been practicing since 2002. Contact Gustavel Orthopedics to schedule a consultation regarding your shoulder condition and explore if Bankart Repair is suitable for you.